School of Electronics and Information Engineering
ĦĦĦĦThe School of Electronics and Information Engineering derived from a combination of the former Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, the former Department of Computer Science and Technology, and the former Department of Software Technology, and the four-year undergraduate programs that this school offers include computer science and technology, electronics and information engineering, computer networking engineering, and digital media arts (Candidates for enrollment in this program can be interested in either arts or sciences). The programs are offered in response to the needs of the job market and the employment situation, and the graduates' employment rate has been over 90 percent in the last few years.

ĦĦĦĦThis school has an excellent faculty whose 28 members are professionally competent and make a reasonable age structure. Ten of the teachers in this college are professors and associate professors, accounting for 35.7 percent of the entire faculty. 92.9 percent of the teachers, namely 26, are holders of doctor's degree and master's degree. The team who teach electronics and information engineering courses and another team who teach computer science and technology courses are two teams qualified by the Shaanxi provincial authorities.